Whether it’s a knife in the back of an unsuspecting magic wielder or leaving slow, burly warriors behind you in the dust, you are a true survivor. Light armour and ranged weapons are your calling card and your skill at picking locks and disarming traps keeps you alive. You operate in the shadows and fight your battles at a distance.

Knight (melee and magic hybrid) - you are a knight, bth strong of arm and of mind.Your mastery of all weapons and armour will be your salvation in the adventures to come. Stealth and trickery is not your thing, you impose your will with strength of arm and bravery of heart. In the thick of the melee or in the darkest dungeon is where you thrive, kicking down doors and breaking bones. warrior (melee and weapons expert) - you are a warrior, a specialist brawler, battle master and (some say) binge-dinker.Gladiator sprint - a lightning fast gladiatorial tournament where you will earn gold, level up and gain items after each battle.

The Grail quest - an epic five act story where you fight in arenas, battle giant arena beasts and explore dungeons on a quest to defeat the legendary emperor antares. Game mode: dungeon crawl - create a gladiator then enter an endless dungeon, fighting monsters, exploring tunnels for treasure.